fee (without accommodation)
Payment categories (fee before/ after 15 March
fee before
15 March 2013
fee after
15 March 2013
CNRS employee
0.00 €
0.00 €
Student and
200.00 €
250.00 €
PhD student
200.00 €
250.00 €
C-MAC scientist
300.00 €
350.00 €
Senior scientist
350.00 €
400.00 €
Full fee
1,600.00 €
1,800.00 €
Accompanying person
170.00 €
220.00 €
CNRS scientist: The school is sponsored by the “formation permanente”
of the CNRS that covers registration fees of all CNRS employees. Please
contact your “delegation regional” for travel expenses.
Student and PhD student: Please provide proof of your student status.
Senior scientist: Scientists affiliated with universities, research centres and non-profit organizations.
scientist: Scientists
working in a laboratory that belongs to the C-MAC network.
registration fee includes participation in all school sessions, training
material, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome party, workshop dinner and the
excursion. Accomodation is not included.
The registration fee for accompanying persons includes the welcome
party, guided city tour, workshop dinner and the excursion. Accomodation is not included.